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Tag: climatechange

We Are Fucked & It Is Ok

If we do not adapt to climate apocalypse fast enough, some other species will. And whoever does it best, has the highest chance of dominating a greenhouse world of thinned air, oxygen-deprived high waters and intolerable filth of what tens of billions of people would leave behind tiny pieces of still inhabitable land.

Dance Me to the End of Life

Dance me to your beauty with a burning Amazon Dance me through the panic till I feel no more concern Love me like a Bitcoin and be my dollar sign Dance me to the end of life

Who Stands Behind Greta and Why It Matters

And if it takes George Soros coupled with green lizards and Voldemort funding Greta Thunberg to make sure I do not suffocate from unbreathable air and die from water starvation I am happy to support her even if she was a puppet from Sesame Street.
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