Inspired by the fact we have reached tipping points which were not expected for several decades from now…
Dance me to your beauty with a burning Amazon
Dance me through the panic till I feel no more concern
Love me like a Bitcoin and be my dollar sign

Dance me to the end of life
Dance me to the end of life
Oh, let me see your beauty when the Arctic shields are gone
Let me feel you moaning like the last koalas burning
Shed me slowly from those warnings

Dance me to the end of life
Dance me to the end of life
Dance me to my drowning, dance me on and on
Dance me very tenderly and dance me till I’m gone
We’re both in empty deserts, sun scorching above

Dance me to the end of life
Dance me to the end of life
Dance me to the children who should have not been born
Dance me through the corals that bleached long time ago
Put a Poker face now, though every thread is torn
Dance me to the end of life

Dance me to your beauty with a dying Polar cutie
Dance me through the panic till I’m no longer caring
Touch me with your naked forests but give me no scorn

Dance me to the end of life
Dance me to the end of time
That once we’ve used to know
Dance me to the end of world..